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Print & Sell

20+ New Designs Every Month

Instantly access the full HiveCommunity STL library

250+ Model catalog
Royalty-free selling rights

20+ new designs/month

Private seller community

Biz-dev/learning tools 

Hive Special Offer


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 Yearly Now 50% Off!

 Only 4 seats 
at this price

Monthly Plan


for 2months, then $15

Yearly Plan


50% off, billed annually

Lifetime Plan


Pay once forever

 50% Off!

(limited offer this month only)

How Does HiveCommunity Work?

Become Part of the Growing 3D Printing Seller Community

Hundreds already boost their 3d business with Hive

Benjamin, Roomberry
Hive+ | Germany

Thanks to the tools and support that Cubee provided me, I was able to take my business from 0 profits per month to over $5K per month In less than a year.

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-19 at 13.22.18.jpeg

Patrick, Decourse3D
Hive+ | USA

The ability to sell a product that has few sellers helped me turn my Etsy shop into a significant revenue channel for my business


WhatsApp Image 2023-11-19 at 13.23.41.jpeg

Ivaylo, co.- de
HiveUnlimited | Bulgaria

As a business owner that looking to open additional revenue channels, working with Cubee allowed me to test the waters with a very low investment.


Meet the HiveCommunity Designer Alliance


New Models Every Month!

Cubee HiveCommunity


Find 3D Printing designs that sell

Commercial license to a growing 3D design collection by top designers

Royalty-free selling rights 

Products created by world's top designers

Private seller community with biz-dev tools 


We made Hive for every step of your journey

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Limited Seats
3D Printing Exclusivity
Cubee Support Bee
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